Our Mission & Vision
Iron Gorilla's mission is to provide an environment that allows all individuals a haven to reach their fullest potential to the fullest desired level of fitness they would like to achieve.
Vision: Young and old, pro-athlete or beginner, all levels of fitness are important, and we are here to provide a venue and services to guide you to the best version of yourself.
Schedule personal training sessions to receive one on one instruction for basic lifting techniques if you are a beginner or to bust through a plateau in your current program.
Sign up for group fitness classes to find fitness minded friends. This will help you stay motivated to keep coming back! Classes are offered at a variety of times to fit into all types of schedules.
Nutritional services are available to those who have a specific goal. Wanting to lose fat? Gain muscle? Competing in a specific sport? Each situation is different and requires different nutritional needs. Let us help!
We will be offering a variety of protein powders, protein bars and muffins, vitamins and miscellaneous products to help you reach your fullest physical potential. Check out the café in the lobby for the latest products and apparel.